Gallery Hop updates

The address of Bike and Footwear is 417 W. Main St.

The address of the Outside GABBF Merchandise shop is 311 W. Main St.


“Choose your own adventure” May 20th

A plane ride with Jake Bell can be your adventure, if you have a ticket to our event on May 20th at the Clemens Caldwell House on Maple Ave.  Jake has donated a plane ride for our silent auction to help us make more arts experiences (adventures!) available to children in our county.

But, the plane ride is not the only item up for bid.  Stay tuned for announcements on Facebook over the next few days, and right up to the last minute, for a list of the adventures awaiting successful bidders.

Tickets are available at  $20.00 includes a drink.  Enjoy a casual evening and help raise funds to provide adventures for others.

Jane Dewey receives Governor’s Award in the Arts

Hot off the presses!  It was just announced that Danville’s own Jane Dewey has received the 2021 Governor’s Award in the Arts for Education!  Jane is more than well known in the state for her arts activities and pioneering development of the arts programs in the Danville Schools as well as community involvement.

The Arts Commission is proud to have named Jane the 2015 Arts Citizen of the Year for her many contributions among them having served on the Board for a number of years.