Jane Dewey receives Governor’s Award in the Arts

Hot off the presses!  It was just announced that Danville’s own Jane Dewey has received the 2021 Governor’s Award in the Arts for Education!  Jane is more than well known in the state for her arts activities and pioneering development of the arts programs in the Danville Schools as well as community involvement.

The Arts Commission is proud to have named Jane the 2015 Arts Citizen of the Year for her many contributions among them having served on the Board for a number of years.

“Gallery Hop 2020” not lost – just different


The Arts Commission’s Brass Band Gallery Hop is going virtual – but that’s just the announcement.  All your favorite shops and locations are still supporting the arts and you can too, by browsing safely for days to come.  We will be featuring on Facebook and the events calendar of this website, the shops you know and love, as well as businesses and organizations which support local art through collecting and displaying works in their locations.  So, like, follow and share us on Facebook and check out what makes Danville and Boyle County a special place for art and artists.  The postings will include links or information on how to contact the locations for any specials and up-to-date opening and closing details.

The Arts Commission thanks LGE&KU for support of the 2020 Gallery Hop.

A pretty day in the Park

Historic Constitution Square is the perfect shady spot for a surprise summer concert by the local dulcimer group.


Arts Commission launches YouTube channel

     There is so much to see and learn in and around Danville.  The Arts Commission has launched a YouTube channel to make art available and accessible whenever you need a good dose of creativity and some information.

To access the channel go to YouTube and search for danvillearts.  It’s just that easy.  You will find original videos as well as recordings of workshops sponsored by, and for, the Arts Commission.

Stay tuned as the year progresses, meet some new friends and share some great lessons.

A little drive goes a long way

Chris Russell gives the Arts Commission a thumbs up!

March 28th is the day.  Stuart Powell Ford is the place. 300 test drivers is the goal to earn the Arts Commission $6,000!  Stuart Powell Ford and the Ford Corporation will donate $20 to the Arts Commission for every test driver between 9:00 and 3:30.  Come on out and take a spin in a beautiful Ford.  Just a few minutes of your time will go a long way to providing arts activities for children in our community.  Preregister at https://d4ur.com/PJM9W to save time.

2019 Arts Citizens of the Year Awarded

Robby Henson and Heather Henson were presented with the Arts Commission’s 2019 Arts Citizens of the Year Award on January 13th at the Danville City Commission meeting at City Hall.  Robby and Heather were selected for their outstanding work in their individual artistic fields as well as their work at the Pioneer Playhouse in Danville.  Robby is a film director, writer and founder of the Voices Inside program at Northpoint .  He also is on the faculty at the University of Kentucky, teaching screenwriting and directing.  Robby has made Danville is fulltime home as he develops plays and directs at the Playhouse as the Artistic Director.

Heather Henson is an award winning book writer focusing primarily on children and young adults.  Most of her themes are based around Kentucky stories and people.  Heather, too, has made Danville her home where she is now Managing Director of the Playhouse working with Robby and their mother Charlotte to continue the operation of the Playhouse now entering its 71st season.  Charlotte was named Arts Citizen of the Year in 2006.

Robby and Heather were presented with awards designed and created by local glass artist Roni Gilpin and with City Proclamations recognizing their accomplishments.

Robby, Charlotte and Heather Henson