Scarlet Cup production of RED has a new home!

Scarlet Cup Theater makes sure the show will go on – with a little help from the Advocate Messenger and Doug Gooch!  When the theater received word that the planned venue would not be available just three weeks before opening night, they jumped into action and found a great new location.  The play will be staged in the old newsroom of the Advocate Messenger.  Get your tickets at under the TICKET tab for this outstanding theater experience featuring Patrick Kagan-Moore as Mark Rothko and Kolton Winfield as Ken.  Enjoy a NEW curtain time of 7:00 for the evening performances and 3:00, as usual, for Sundays.

Special theme dinners will be offered by Mary Robin Spoonamore at Barleycorns or stop by after the show for dessert and special cocktails.  Reservations for dinner may be made directly with Barleycorns.

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